Tuesday, 15 November 2022

Microsoft Teams Phone for Antisel

MS teams

Founded in 1967, ANTISEL is a leading importer and distributor of laboratory equipment used in healthcare as well as in academic and industrial research settings.


While already on Microsoft 365 cloud services, the pandemic made the need for online communications and collaboration even more pressing. Faced with the insufficiency of their legacy telephone system for remote wok, they turned to unified communications expert LOGITEL and Teams Phone.

With the new solution, productivity is up, costs are down, and they’re not looking back.

The challenge

  • Seamless communication –from any location and any device– was a critical requirement during the pandemic. ANTISEL had a fundamental need for a unified collaboration platform that supports remote work moving forward.
  • The world is moving away from old-fashioned phone services and their legacy phone system proved to be a chocking point for productivity, thus in need of replacement.
  • Understanding that voice no longer needed to be a standalone system, they wanted a solution that would integrate well with their overall communications environment and scale to meet future needs.

The solution


  • The right partner was soon at hand to help. Founded in 2003, LOGITEL is a well-established unified communications provider assisting organization with the adoption of modern, cloud-based telephone services.
  • LOGITEL worked with ANTISEL on a strategic cloud migration roadmap that culminated in a move to Teams Phone following a successful POC.
  • Over 250 users were transitioned to Teams Phone, while also implementing Direct Routing with their SIP trunk and new SBC networking infrastructure also provided and deployed by LOGITEL.

The solution included:

  • A full PBX replacement via migration to Teams Phone for 250 seats with managed direct routing.
  • Configured call queues and automated attendant.
  • ANTISEL also wanted to take advantage of newer functionality in a modern calling service and to have flexible dialing plans to suit   varying departmental needs.


Phase 1: Planning and Preparation

  • Assessment: Conducted a thorough assessment of the existing telephony infrastructure and identified specific requirements.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Engaged with key stakeholders to align on goals and expectations.
  • Solution Design: Designed a comprehensive implementation plan tailored to ANTISEL S.A.’s needs.

Key Components Implemented:

  • Microsoft Teams Phone: Enabled calling capabilities within Microsoft Teams.
  • Direct Routing: Configured Direct Routing to connect Microsoft Teams with the public switched telephone network (PSTN) through a third-party provider.
  • Integration with Microsoft 365: Seamlessly integrated with existing Microsoft 365 tools such as Outlook, SharePoint, and OneDrive.
  • Advanced Features: Utilized features such as voicemail, call queues, auto-attendants, and call analytics.


Phase 2: Deployment

  • Pilot Program: Launched a pilot program with a small group of users to test functionality and gather feedback.
  • Direct Routing Configuration: Worked with a third-party provider to configure Direct Routing and connect Microsoft Teams to the PSTN.
  • User Training: Conducted training sessions to familiarize employees with the new system and features.
  • Full Rollout: Gradually rolled out the solution company-wide, ensuring minimal disruption to daily operations.

Phase 3: Post-Implementation

  • Support: Established a dedicated support system to address any issues and provide ongoing assistance.
  • Monitoring and Optimization: Continuously monitored system performance and user feedback to optimize settings and configurations.

Phase 3: Post-Implementation

  • Support: Established a dedicated support system to address any issues and provide ongoing assistance.
  • Monitoring and Optimization: Continuously monitored system performance and user feedback to optimize settings and configurations.


Improved Communication and Collaboration:

  • Enhanced internal communication and collaboration with a unified platform.
  • Enabled seamless communication among remote and in-office employees.
Voyager Edge UC Lifestyle image

Improved Collaboration:


  • Facilitated seamless communication and collaboration among remote and in-office employees with Zoom Meetings.
  • Increased productivity and reduced travel costs.

Effective Marketing and Training:

  • Successfully hosted large-scale webinars with Zoom Webinar, reaching a broader audience.
  • Utilized advanced features such as Q&A, polling, and reporting to enhance engagement and measure success.

The results

ANTISEL gained a reliable system that enables improved collaboration and communication, no matter where people are working from across multiple channels. Microsoft Teams Phone provides:

Fully integrated solution. ANTISEL users can seamlessly go from calls to chats to video conferencing and document sharing. Employees have the flexibility to work from anywhere and can use their assigned business phone number from any device.
Enhanced productivity and cost savings. Management is pleased with the increased connectivity and employees have greater work flexibility. And even with all this additional functionality, ANTISEL is seeing lower support and maintenance costs and able to budget ahead more easily with a predictable spend. Seamless transition.

In the end, ANTISEL found it easy to adapt to a whole new way of communicating. LOGITEL developed a comprehensive transition plan to help and support the company and its people get used to the shift